
Our Mission
The Urban Transformation Network’s mission is to support and encourage the establishment of urban gardens on unused land and space while increasing diversity, raising awareness for conservation education, urban agriculture, and wellness, and inspiring and educating youth, adults and seniors to create an economically sustainable future in their community.
Our Vision and Work
Urban Transformation Network connects people to opportunity so that they may move from stagnant, difficult conditions to vibrant, healthy and productive lifestyles. This includes connecting people to information, training and educational opportunities.
We believe in empowering people and transforming lives. Developing partnerships with community residents, non-profits, governmental agencies, local businesses and international corporations, is the foundation of the Urban Transformation Network.
Urban Transformation Network actively engages the community in educational workshops that raise awareness about: green collar job training opportunities, urban gardening and information on healthy eating and healthy thinking.

Become A Partner
Faith based and other not-for-profit organizations may sign-up to “Become A Partner” with UTN, and provide educational workshops on gardening for its youth, allow its “Supporters” to purchase “Discounted Products” or purchase Discounted Products directly from UTN as an organization, and receive monthly donations from UTN for from 4% to 7% based upon a donation formula.
Click here to sign-up to “Become A Partner” or to learn more about how to “Become A Partner,” and the programs available to Partners.
Individuals can purchase Discounted Products either through a Partner organization to support their efforts to obtain monthly donations from UTN; or they may purchase directly from UTN. Click here to purchase “Discounted Products” as an individual.
Goals - Agriculture Major
- Educate the youth on productive careers in the global food and agricultural industry
- Having the youth become responsible leaders in the community.
- Provides students with a understanding of the production, distribution, marketing and management of agriculture.
- Inform urban communities on the impact of indoor aquaponics
- sustainability of food and resource systems